About Us

Elder David F. Williams, is a Servant Leader and a native of Trinidad and Tobago. He accepted Christ around the age of 27 years old. He is a humble, and gifted servant of God whose ultimate desire is to do the will of God. He has been ministering for over 25 years in the gospel field for Jesus Christ. In 2019 he became the "Founder and Chief Executive Officer" of Kingdom Life Impact Ministries Elder Williams' desire as a church is to be within the community proclaiming the Word of Christ and providing good deeds whenever possible to the community. His community accomplishments have been the establishment of a Non-profit Outreach ministry that minister to the Homeless, Elderly, Youth and the incarcerated. Over the years
Elder Williams has been ministering to young men in the Okaloosa Juvenile Detention Center in Crestview Florida and Medium and Maximum Adult males’ prisons in Anchorage Alaska, and throughout Texas. The ministry has reached over 6,000 since it’s inception in just 3 years and is still experiencing significant growth and impact.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elder Williams and his team served over 4000 sandwiches to the Homeless, Youth and Elderly. In addition, he supported over 40 Residents at the Elderly Nursing Home with hand-written notes with scriptures and personalized cards to encourage the residents in lieu of in-person ministry.
Elder Williams is a man who loves God; God's people and His Word. He enjoys family time; relaxing, reading and learning whatever he can to share with others. He enjoys preaching and teaching the Word of God with power, conviction, and simplicity at every opportunity that avails without compromise. He loves ministering to the incarcerated, the Elderly and the young, and unchurch people groups.
For God told the Prophet Jeremiah; "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you, ordained you a Prophet to the nations" (Jer 1:5; 29:11 NKJV).

While stationed in Florida in the early 2000s, I served at two different juvenile detention centers in Okaloosa County. After completing this my military assignment, I moved to Alaska for my next tour of duty and served in three different correctional facilities. After I retired, my passion to serve the needs of the disenfranchised and incarcerated only grew stronger.

As a retiree in San Antonio, TX I saw a tremendous need in this city, that compelled me to create the Non-profit organization you are currently viewing. Since its inception, just over three months, I am currently serving in three different facilities which includes a homeless shelter campus in the downtown area of San Antonio that houses about 1,700 (women, children, families and men) personnel at capacity, a nursing home and a juvenile detention center for transitioning male youth back into society.

My outreach team and I are currently working to get access into male and female facility in Austin, TX. Our demand is growing rapidly, so before accepting any new projects we want to make sure we are not over-extended while meeting the needs of as many people that we can.

Thank you for visiting Kingdom Life Impact Ministries! You could have surfed any other website, so your interest is very much appreciated!

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."

Make a donation

Your tax-deductible donations will help us offset the cost to feed the homeless by providing meals for individuals who don't have access to shelters and also nursing homes that don't have any outside vendors coming in because of COVID-19. Staff are using their own personal resources to feed residents and have to provide their own masks and gloves to protect themselves.


Tax ID Number: 84-3821647

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